-Frozen moments-
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!! As always, I spend my Christmas with my beloved family. BUT this time, it is more fun!! Hahas... My Daddy said every member in our family are suppose to come out with a dish for Christmas.... Hahas.... It was well prepared!! Luckily, we never burn the whole kitchen down... Hahas... Ho Ho Ho.... I had fun today....

I made this...

Table full of foods... HoHoHo....


8:06 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Today was a tiring day!!!

Right after the paper, I went out with my classmates to Tampines and had lunch at pizza hut. During lunch, Stanley keep making us laugh. Stanley smile just like a Mickey Mouse. I cannot stand it but laugh. Mickey Mouse Stanley!!!! He suggested that he and I compete to see who will be serious and not laugh, the longest time. Of Cos, I will LOSE!!! Tried so many times and the result is the same!!! I LOST!!! LOLZ!!!

We bought a cake for Jie Lin. She was quite touched and happy. Then, we proceed to Mango shop and bought a jacket for her. Then, off we go to SAFRA. I handed her the present. She was happy. lolz... We went to MIND cafe and stayed for hours and play games until 6pm. I then went to have an early dinner at Century Square foodcourt with Li Pei, Staphni, Donovan and kenneth. Finally, HOME SWEET HOME! Reach home just nice at 8pm sharp. hahas!!!

Me and Eugene...

Staphni, Li Pei and me...Eugene, Donovan and Ser Han... Eugene and Donovan... Kenneth and Staphni...Mickey Mouse, Stanley and Kenneth...


11:33 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Okay, Tmr is the last paper!!! Quantitative Analysis!!! Must go home and study. Today, went to Tampines Mall with Sherry to shop for Jie Lin's birthday present. We also took our time and slowly shop around. Hahas! Finally found smth for JieLin. Hope she likes it. Oh ya, I am very stupid la.. I actually left my water bottle at the exam venue!!! How dumb can I be!!!! Lolz...
Bye, my water bottle...

Saw this outside Macdonale.... Pic quite nice, hahas!

A birthday card for Jie Lin...

JieLin's birthday gift... Meaningful right?

It's JieLin's present... Cute?

The wrapper.... It's nice!!!


11:12 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Okay, so many days didn't post le...
Today, went for lunch with Sherry at Pizza Hut. We were very bloated after that...
Went for lesson after that, BUT I was watching ironman with Youyang's MP4... hahas, Ms cheng say cannot use com watch movie, MINE is MP4 NOT com...hahahas....
Went home after sch and so BFA... Do... Do... Do until I go and play with my brother... 11pm then continue doing... lolz... Next week term test!!!! Our YC say must blog BUT blog with "Having Term Test, Studying"... hahas....

Playing webcam with my brother, see how he pose...

He say he is shy...lolz...

He is trying to act cool....


11:25 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Monday, December 1, 2008
Today, first lesson is OOPG! Sian~ Hahas... Get back CMSK report and I scored like 10/15. wow!!! ok! lolz! During 3 hours break, went to eastpoint with friends to eat. So long nv go eastpoint le!!! hahas... Then back to school for OOPG lab. I dun like the teacher cos he always say 我笑到很可爱!OMG, stop saying me 'CUTE' and spare me from the word 'GUAI' (乖).
I rather you say I am 'huai' (坏). Lolz... Just think of me as a weirdo..


11:31 PM Investigators on MISSION!


-Born on the 28th May 1991-
I am a fan of Pokemon, Detective Conan and Deathnote


BLUE color and Ice Lemon Tea are my favorites.
My Comics too. =D


DURIAN is my enemy.

Say something.


Mission Accomplished

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