-Frozen moments-
Monday, January 11, 2010
Happy Birthday, Mariam!!!!!

I was supposed to meet Lipei at 10am to buy cake. BUT I couldnt wake up. In the end, it was cancelled. I went back to sleep again. Lipei decided to skip SA tutorial class. Today lesson ended early and we went for early lunch at 12.30pm. We ate quite fast and it took us half an hour to finish. After that we went to buy cake and celebrated mariam's birthday. =)
It went quite well. Everyone in the class went out of reuters lab to have a bite on the cake. Mr Edmund too. Lols. The cake...


10:53 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
I did not go with my father to relative party. I wanted to do cmsk and cots but ended up playing game. I managed to level up. Recently, while gaming, I met a lot of good souls. They were giving me lots of items. Lucky huh?! Lolz. I was gaming the whole afternoon and I missed a lot of Leon messages again. Sry!

Oh ya. My brother make baked rice today. First attempt and it was a success. It was delicious. Should have take a picture before eating. He has got some talent in cooking. His first attempt on cheesecake was a success too. Impressive!!!!!!

Continue gaming at night... ... Touring around Mu Lung.


11:06 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Friday, January 8, 2010
I did my psychology personality test to see whether it matches what I had for the tutorial class. Well, it is quite accurate. But I was the only one in the class who had this.
I am spending time to do this personality test while waiting for the open house...
Lolz. =)

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.


11:32 AM Investigators on MISSION!


-Born on the 28th May 1991-
I am a fan of Pokemon, Detective Conan and Deathnote


BLUE color and Ice Lemon Tea are my favorites.
My Comics too. =D


DURIAN is my enemy.

Say something.


Mission Accomplished

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