-Frozen moments-
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Working the whole day from 10am to 6pm.
"Hello, this is Linxin calling from MDS collections and this is regarding your membership card..."
Every week it's the same line.

Today is Carries last day. She's a pro photographer.
Sad that she's leaving. She's a fun person.
Anyway, I completed my job scope very early at 3!
Nth to do, wanted to go home. Rena said I should stayed all the way.
Okay. Stayed but nth to do. Money is still flowing to me. Hahas!

Took some pic while having nothing to do...

Customer folder. Alot huh?!
Messy place where I worked in.
My lunch for today. ^^
Rena counting our salary. $.$
My tiny work place.Messy too!
Testing my galaxy ace camera!
Okay la. Not too bad for a phone.
My work place again!
My machine for making membership card.
I am a card maker! =)
All the customer membership form.
Okay. I guess that's all for today!
I am going off to play maple.

TO Victor: Faster go and repair your com. Everyone is waiting for you to play tgt!!!


11:28 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Monday, May 23, 2011
I hereby declared that I have graduated!
Yay~ Super happy. I am a diploma holder!
Pics. Lots of pics again! =)
Not going to upload everything here.
I shall dump all the pics into facebook.
Tmr then do mass uploading and tagging. XD

Ms Yee and me!
Emily and me. Daddy, you got your angle wrong.
Putting the gown on. =)
Me and Ernst. Class reg No. 1 and 2. =)
Dunno what my dad trying to do with my diploma...
Graduate alrd! Okay, someone says I look proud here. =.=
Sherry, LiPei, Ernst, Me and YouYang. Happy Graduation! =)
LiPei, Ernst and Me.
Starting from the right, Class reg No. 1, 2 and 3! =)
Ms Cheng, Me and LiPei!
Thanks Ms Cheng for her guidance! =)
My dad wanted to take a pic of me(solo). =.=
My family and me! It's a must to take!!
Before going off... One last pic with my mom! =)
Shall stop here...
There's work tomorrow.
Arghh~ Feel so lazy to work...
Going off to sleep...
Happy Graduation to all!


11:34 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Went to play Aika...
I am falling behind.
My friends are leveling so fast.
My pran is so cute right?
Wait... I upload the pics.
My Pran, KiraL. I wanted it to be intelligent. It turn out to be cute.
Mounting on my dragon. Isnt it cool? hahas...
Another angle view. My bro dun have. hahas!!!
My Character, Night Magician. KiraLight! So manly!

11:13 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Went out with Joshua today.
Okay surprisingly, I WASN'T LATE! =D
Lunch and shopping at Orchard Ion.
Thereafter, went to Dhoby Ghaut and play.
Woo~ Improved in playing Jubeat.
However, I still lost to him... =(
He must have trained secretly. hahas!

Oh well, received some mini-soft toys from Joshua. Thanks!
Just realized that I have two version of Winnie the Pooh.

The mini version which I received today. =D
The bigger version and the mini version. SO cute, right? =)
Another take. Super cute!
Little stitch. I am gonna hang this on my bag. =D
Minnie! =)

One more thing...
I finished watching Yu Gi Oh GX! Finally.
Not bad a show. =)
An accomplishment for me, okay!

Get your game on! Let's Dual! =)

11:01 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Monday, May 2, 2011
Malaysia relatives came over to Singapore ytd.
I have been playing play dough with my small cousin.
So good right? hahas.
Today, the two families went to sentosa and have great fun!
Pics. Lots of pics! =)
3D Shark! Trying to capture it with my bro and my face in the photos. =)
My bro says this is my statue. Ask me to pose with it. =.=|||
My cute cousin plus me. =)
Crazy taking pic with ourselves inside the pic.
My cute cousin loves me eh. Hahas! ^^V
BLUE is just my COLOUR!!!
OMG! I look so aunty~
Another take with my cousin. Cheers! =)
Before entering Underwater world. Be friend with the Shark. =)
Another pose with the BLUE swan. =D
Gosh~ I look like a kid here...
The Ice-lemon Tea here is diluted! Not nice! =(
Another take with the cutie. =D
Successful take! The fish and me! hahs!
My bro took the pic without one of the wing. so bad!
Taken in the Underwater World. =)
Another one! =)
okay, I am trying to get in the pic. ^^
More pics uploaded in facebook.
After that, went to Crystal Jade for dinner. =)
Aww... They are leaving tmr.
Bye, I am off to play Play Dough with my cousin again! =)


11:45 PM Investigators on MISSION!


-Born on the 28th May 1991-
I am a fan of Pokemon, Detective Conan and Deathnote


BLUE color and Ice Lemon Tea are my favorites.
My Comics too. =D


DURIAN is my enemy.

Say something.


Mission Accomplished

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