-Frozen moments-
Sunday, May 13, 2012

1:51 AM Investigators on MISSION!

Saturday, May 5, 2012
A phrase from my best friend. 

I really like him alot to the point whereby I want to him to be mine only. 
Guess I am a possessive girl. 
I also dunno what I see in him. 
Maybe it's because he knows me very well. 
Few lines of conversation and he knows
What I want, 
What I am thinking and
How I feel.

Convincing myself that he is not the right one for me. 
It's difficult to let go. 

He is determined to go Japan. 
Well... Whatever can I say. 
Just let him go. 

It's always easier said than done. 
I am trying my best to let him go. 
Distancing myself from him, 
Talking coldly to him, 
Making him hate me. 
I am still trying...
Till the day comes. 


Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go. 


11:55 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Saturday, April 28, 2012
I like him. I really like him a lot. 
However, I am filled with uncertainties. 

Maybe he dislikes me for being me. Afterall, not many can accept my personalities. 

12:04 AM Investigators on MISSION!

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Overflowing feelings for him.

1:40 AM Investigators on MISSION!

Sunday, August 28, 2011
HY is sick today and thus I went to attend lesson alone.
There's a classmate called KJ.
She likes to treat me as small kid. Talk to me as if I am a small children. hahas.
She is very attractive. Like her very much! =)

After lesson went to meet Joshua. He is on MC today.
Waited for him for 1 hour plus.
Make use of the time to shop ard, buy stationery and to change my specs. =)
Met him up for lunch. Had pasta for lunch.
Thereafter proceed to illuma arcade to play games.
There were lots of ppl tdy.
He played capcom game.
It was fun seeing him challenging other ppl.
He is so pro. OMG! Impressive! Attracted to this side of him.
Time really flies whenever I am with him.
Soon, it's night time.
Had BK for dinner before going home.
It was an enjoyable day for me. =)
"Every time you come to my mind, I realize I'm smiling."


11:09 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Met Joshua today.
Went to BK for lunch.
The burger I like is available but it shrunk in size!
Hahas! So funny!!!

Haix. I think in the middle of the day, he was quite angry and pissed off by my stupidity!
Ah~ I think I need to quit my job soon!
Mixing around too much with the kids raised my level of stupidity!
School faster start ba!!!
I really need to lower it fast fast!!!
Okay, he is going Japan.
Damn, he said he dun care if I miss him when he is away.
He is going for other girl.
Tsk. A bit disappointed with his replies. Ah!!!
What can I do but to accept it.
If he is happy, I would be too. =)

Went to catch Rise of the planet of the apes.
Stunning! Apes could speak!!
There's one sentence which I like to emphasize.
"It's not monkey but apes."
Gerald cannot differentiate between the two.
Must highlight to him again and again.

Sashimi in the middle of Orchard Road.
How interesting! hahas
Went home and take a super quick bath!
After that down to 85 market and had dinner with grandparent.
Then Home Sweet Home!
What a tiring day! Weirdly, I enjoyed it to the max.

Saw Joshua playing Plant vs Zombies.
Raised my interest in playing again.
Off to play Plant vs Zombies endless mode!


11:24 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Great! I was being pangseh by my friends!

Initially, we agreed to go to my friend's house and play games.
But last minutes called and tell me it is cancelled.

Totally no backed up plan for today!!! =(
Then, stayed at home and watch show.
How boring!!!
So, here I am, blogging and wasting my time away.

Feel like calling him and talk.
Should I? Better not. He is working.

Going off to watch show. =)


5:12 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Sunday, August 14, 2011
It's a Sunday and yet I have to work.

Early in the morning at 10, went to Delfi orchard and attended Japanese class.
I have been rather busy and tired lately.
Didnt get to rest and revise properly.

Straight after lesson, went off to AMK to work.
So many worksheets to mark.
Argh~ I think I am quitting the job soon!!

Mommy didnt cook today again.
Just nice, Shawn asked me out for dinner.
Heard his side of the story. Dunno how to help.
Hope all my friends can stay happy.
Went Hougang mall, had PastaMania.
Just nice again, Joshua called and surprisingly he is working in Hougang.
Went off to find him.
Took bus together to Tampines interchange.
Yes, he was hungry again.
Entered Cartel cafe and had many food.
OMG! I just had dinner!!

Fattening! Dun want to have tummy coming out! Eeek!
Hahas. Then went off to catch the last bus! =)
Well. Well. I was happy that I get to see him today.

Oh my!!! Linxin!! Self discipline!! Get hold off yourself!


11:59 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Oh my. Oh my.
I make him angry again.

I feel so guilty.
All I can do is say sorry.
Sorry for making you waste a trip down to my workplace.


11:56 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Friday, August 12, 2011
Early in the morning, I went to work. Entered the office at 11am.
Started off with my membership thingy.
Amazing! I finished everything by the 1pm.
Soon after went off to meet my sis.
Sakae Sushi has buffet at a cheap price for STUDENT!
Yes, Went to eat. The restaurant is playing TVXQ's songs.
Enjoyed the whole meal!! TVXQ rox!!!
Shall just upload pics. =)

The salmon sashimi is very nice!!
Night, peeps!


11:58 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Woke up early in the morning to settle some thing at woodlands.
Thereafter, went cwp walk walk. Lonely me!

Met up with Joshua.
For a moment, I was quite sad after reading his messages.
I thought he is angry with me.
Oh man, I think I have fallen deeper...
Linxin! Get hold of yourself!!!

Took bus to FarEast Plaza to have lunch.
On the way, saw a bus conductor checking cards.
Really admire their job but the pay is PATHETIC!
Had lunch, and went to watch Cowboys & Aliens.
Oh ya, dunno what is wrong with me?
I did something embarrassing in the public!!!!
Tsk.... Dun wan to recall nor talk about it alrd!!!

I am so bloated today!
I think I am getting fatter everyday.
Must control my diet!!!
After having a long weekend, I dun feel like working tmr!!!

Twitter is flooding my inbox again! Must go and clear again...


11:35 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Sunday, August 7, 2011
"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."

Recently, a lot of friends updated me about the PS3 bleach game. I find it somewhat similar to Dynasty Warriors Game. Anyway, I still feel like trying the game. I have always played bleach game on NDS. Never tried a PS3 before! Make me want to play even more!!

I woke up super early today and prepare myself to go town!
My eyes were super dry. It's a challenge to keep it open...
Went town for LESSON not shopping.

Two new classmates!
I was being asked a question and this is my answer. =)
Hahas. I am such a glutton.
I will really buy a lot of chocolates to last me for a whole lifetime.
Greedy me!

Oh. Another question struck me...
What's the meaning of sincerity and how to treat one with sincerity?
Maybe, I do have a bad personality afterall...
I want to try it on PS3!

10:16 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Saturday, August 6, 2011
"How do you make people love you without affecting free will?"
-Bruce Almighty-

Went home rather early today.
Cos I am meeting my tutee on facebook today.
Apparently, he forgot abt it.
Hahas. Nvm.

Went to meet friends for late lunch.
Super bloated! =)
We were talking and suddenly came to a topic on being angry.
I just found out how my friends think and handle my personality.
Hahas. Interesting!
Whenever I said I am serious, nobody believes me.
Eeek.. Why? I am really being serious, okay!
Hahas. But dun laugh or smile to me, I will laugh or smile back!

Oh ya, they said that if I am angry, just leave me alone.
CAUSE after a few minutes, I will be back to normal again.
Hey! Why like that?! I am angry leh but you all leave me alone...
LOLZ! How can like that?
Tsk. Tsk.

Now it really struck me.
How would all my friends react if I am angry?


9:37 PM Investigators on MISSION!


和他相识已久,感情也已根深蒂固, 我并不想破坏我们之间的友谊。
但是,他每天不断的向我示爱, 终究也有感动的一天。

其实, 我心知肚明。就算我们真的在一起了,彼此也并不会快乐。


1:55 AM Investigators on MISSION!

Friday, August 5, 2011

10:30 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Working today till super late.
Finally watched Captain America ytd.

Taught a student by the name of Teoh Chee Hong.
And we started talking in silent.
Cos we are scared to be scolded.
Talked about facebook games.
Ninja Saga and Maple story.

Then to the topic on Captain America.
Both of us were very impressed by his transformation.
As well as the weapon.
Then suddenly he asked me,
"What if the experimental serum is injected into a girl?"
Yes, our thoughts run wild and ahem...
I cant believe him, as young as 8 years old, has those thoughts.
OMG! What's with the PG13, NC16, M18 and R21.

Tsk. tsk. Children as young as 8 years old have corrupted mind.
No Good! NO GOOD!!
Went home quite late.
Ya... That's all!
I am feeling moody all day!
Dunno why. =(
Shall go and sleep, a fresh new day awaits!
Good Night, all! =)


11:55 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
After three torturous day, I am recovering.
My fever totally subsided by this morning.

Today is Wednesday!
I am still contagious!
Dun wish to pass the virus to Joshua, so decided not to meet him.
He gets sick easily, dun wish to see him sick again.
Sorry to abandon you!
Yup, stayed at home sleeping and resting.
Eating porridge. No taste. I dun like it!

Hope I recover faster and can eat more delicious food!!!
Hahas. I am such a glutton!

Shall go and sleep early. Night people!
Drink more water and take care.


10:52 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Monday, July 18, 2011
Okay. I thought my 38.2 degree Celsius fever would have subsided overnight.
I was prepared to go to work on today!

In the end, it raise higher to 38.5.
Okay Linxin, be good and see a doctor.
Went to the clinic, it's a long wait.
PLUS it was COLD! I shivered like hell!

My mom came to fetch me and we went home.
Measure. 39.0.
I felt weak. Dun wish to move or eat.
Body burning like hell.

Tried to sleep. But it was too warm.
Mom asked me to sleep again.
I slept. I woke up cos it was VERY warm!!
Measured. It rise up to 39.9. It's not getting any lower mom!
Thereafter, I was sub-conscious. I dunno what was happening ard me.

Finally, called family doc and dad drove me to the clinic.
Wow. Went out for a while and I am getting better.
Okay, Right now I am super contagious!
See me, must run away!!!!
Run! Run! Run!
It's getting better. Down to 39.1. =)

Sick Linxin going to rest le...
Night! Night!


11:41 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Went for picnic today!!
For the past few days, I was sick.
Finally, my mum allow me to go out and play!!

This time round more people, okay.
From 3 to 4.. hahas. nvm.
Ytd, Jannah and me went to buy food from clementi fairprice.
Yes, right after our class, we went to buy.
Ended up going home late and catching the last train.
Abit adventurous and FUN!!!

Meet up at pasir ris interchange and went to buy drinks.
Sat down and we catch up quite alot
AND came up with lots of stupid ideas for the cold drinks.
Hahas~ it was successful, okay!!!

After that, went to play with sand and built sandcastle.
How FUN! We are not kids!
Admired the sky and night sea, and we realized it was 9plus!
Went back to downtown, BUT craving for ice-cream.
Ended up buying, eating and walking to the interchange.
Hahas. Fun!!! Unexpected event huh?!! =D
Finally, caught up with the last train and HSH!! =D
Lots of pics taken. Some with Panda!! Faster upload!!!
Two lazy ppl who dun wan to move. JK=D
Jannah and me shall move and take pic. Jannah in! =)
I took this!! Pro right!! I think it's a good pic!!
Hahas. So proud of myself! OMG, thick-skin me!
Tools used to make sandcastle. =)
A bit disfigured. BUT still can pass, right? =D
Final product! =D
My turn. My turn! =D
Jannah + final product!
Marked the day we are here! =)
The foods and drinks! =)
First successful product! =)
Me + Final Product! =)
Lastly, a take with Ronald MacDonald! =D

10:59 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
No need to report to work at M D S.
Wanted to go out with friend.
But AMK say need help, then I say okay...

My schedule for today are so packed like hell.
Early in the morning, meet up with friend.
Accompanied Panda to do body check.
Had fun in the clinic.
Ahem... You wont want to know what fun.
Went to have lunch back at Bedok, old place.
Yes! The one we frequent during our sec sch days.

After that went to work at AMK!
Me alone with the headmaster!
Work till very late and daddy come and fetch me home.
Yay. hahas.
Took some pics of my working environment. =)
This is the listening area. Listen and read. =)
My work station. I am marking worksheet. =)
Another angle view! =)
The angle from my work station. =)
The place where we keep the worksheets.
Near my work station. easy for me. Hehe.

10:46 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Monday, June 27, 2011
Started off my day with work at...

MDS Collections
Handling all the membership thingy.
I thought up a new way to ensure that the card are not lost.
Yes!!! Issue them card no.!!!

After that rushed off to the next place at...

AMK Kumon Centre
Bryan Maxwell Tjoa came early!!
Damn, he is CUTE!! SUPER CUTE!!
He likes to sit close to me!!! LIKES!

Up next, School time...
I was late for 15mins.
Debbie too.
You can say we are not a fan of punctuality!!

And Lecture ended early today.
Waited for Jannah and Suzy...
Yes! We took pics on the train!!!
Sry Jannah, I dun mean to cut your face. =)
Not my fault again! =)
Again? lols. Dun sad, kay. =)
Opps. Bad aiming again! =)
Bluey and Danish. Named by Jannah
The 2 soft toys which made the kid want to steal. =)
Arent they cute? Say no pls! =)
Finally, All of us are being captured! =)
Failed shot!
Tired. Night everyone! =)

11:56 PM Investigators on MISSION!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Today is Wednesday.
Yes, a day where I dun need to work.
Can go out and play!

Finally I get to eat the yogurt from Red Mango shop located in Scape building!
How happy!!
Love it to the max!
Last time I went there was with LiPei.
How long ago!
SO NICE!! I added nata de coco. Hehe!


10:39 PM Investigators on MISSION!


-Born on the 28th May 1991-
I am a fan of Pokemon, Detective Conan and Deathnote


BLUE color and Ice Lemon Tea are my favorites.
My Comics too. =D


DURIAN is my enemy.

Say something.


Mission Accomplished

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